
👋 Hi, I’m Jason

I’m a full stack engineer specializing in React and PHP backends. I’ve been in love with building for the web since 2011.

This site

I’ve had this domain for a while and it’s gone through several iterations of blogging over the years, though none have lasted very long. I’m primarily focused on my professional growth with goals to keep up to date with new technologies, learn tools to be more efficient, and expand my web platform knowledge. You’ll probably find posts on this site about the things I’m building in my free time.

This site is running on WordPress with the Code Syntax Block plugin.

Where to find me

You can follow me on GitHub, connect on LinkedIn, or shoot me an email to stay in touch.


I’m into making experimental music with my modular synth and other strange hardware synthesizers. You can find my live jams on YouTube and Instagram under the Stereo Pig moniker.