3D model animation in react-three-fiber
I wanted to add an animated propeller to my submarine and thought it would be a good time to go through a basic model animation and also add some interactivity based on user input. Animating the propeller when a user presses the arrow up key is what I was going for. I started with updating…
Loading textures for 3D models in react-three-fiber
Last time I used a hdri file to render an underwater environment. The next thing I wanted to learn was how to give my submarine model different textures. Looking at the react-three-fiber docs on loading textures I see that I can use TextureLoader with useTexture. Loading a metal texture for the submarine I grabbed a…
3D scene environments using @react-three/drei
Moving on after Loading and manipulating a 3D model in react-three-fiber, I wanted to give my submarine an underwater environment. I used drei’s Environment component to start playing around with a few presets to get used to things. Make the submarine appear in an ocean environment For this, I bought an underwater HDRI scene, added…
Loading and manipulating a 3D model in react-three-fiber
Once I kicked the react-three-fiber tires it was time to start learning how to render 3D models in the project I started this week. I wanted to use a free submarine model I got from Turbo Squid. I just downloaded the .blend file and opened it in Blender, then File > Export > gITF 2.0.…
Three.js and React with react-three-fiber
This week I got back into learning three.js and wanted to integrate with my favorite frontend UI library. The goal was to build a simple react app that changes the color of a cube. The requirements were to use React and Three.js together. I found react-three-fiber, a react renderer for three.js. That was all I…
Color Basics in Three.js
·A few weeks back I wanted to dig into learning WebGL with Three.js and started poking through the site to see if I could start with an example to get things rolling. I found this creating a scene introduction in the docs and decided to start there. After seeing how to create and render a…
Hello world!
·How many members of The Beatles are living? Are there any living members of The Beatles that play drums? Which members of The Beatles played stringed instruments?